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One of the key principles of Father's Heart Orphans Ministry is to spend 100% of the sponsorship funds directly on the child sponsorship program. We want you to know that these precious resources are not used for general administration or fund raising expenses. Therefore, we need your Orphan Help Ministry and mission committee to consider financially supporting Father's Heart Orphans Ministry as a missionary partner.There are several ways to support our work:Monthly financial support.Special project support like orphansinvalids, classes of Art-therapy,summer's camps,to buy house for orphanage,schools,transport for ministry and other....Encourage people to volunteer to help sponsor more children or gather much needed items like school supplies, vitamins, powdered milk and medicine.
We simply can not do it alone. We need your help to help more children.
Please add our link on your site. Please Donate.
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Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.Prov 31:8