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Nowadays in the time of advanced technologies, industrialization and global changes in political and social life of our society we should focus on the needs of an average person.
Taking into consideration demographic crisis the problem of childhood and forming the next generation of Ukraine is considered to be burning.
Constant increase in the quantity of orphans is one of the main aspects of that problem in Ukraine, as well as all over the world.
Insufficient attention to formation of an orphan as the mature personality leads to the situation when the state, as well as the society loses full-grown manpower resources as orphans are unable to fulfil themselves and often generate the second generation of orphans.
The orphan, who has not felt any family care, has been deprived of normal conditions of development, whose physical needs have not been met is only capable of reproducing orphans.
Our mission emerged on that background. We realize that there aren’t kids who belong to nobody; therefore we do our best to unit the resources of the entire world to help definite orphans. This is the mission of our organisation.
Proverbs 22:9 "He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives bread to the poor."
Hos. 14:3 "… for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy."
Ps. 68:5 "A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, God in his holy habitation."
The Orphans Ministry has been working since 2002 year. The advantage of our organization is deep devotion of our team to the problems of orphans. Many volunteers are the part of our team: we have primary school teachers having great experience in working with kids, college teachers, a psychologist as well as teenagers from problem-free families. The reason is the only one – the problems of orphans have touched their hearts.
We cooperate with various organizations, foundations, separate volunteers, and public authorities. We search for every opportunity to spread information about our activity not only in the society but at the web-sites as well. You can find much more information about us at Now the site is being updating. We have got our email: It helps us to keep in touch with those who take care of the same problems as we do. Our Mission also has its own bank account. Please click "Contact Us" tab to donate.
This year we have already realised some short-term and long-term projects. We regularly visit seven orphanages in Zhitomir region. During these visits we help kids with humanitarian supplies – clothes, shoes, stationery, soap, toothpaste and food. In summer we had special camps in several orphanages. The camps were arranged for normal kids as well as disable kids.
The team of our Mission is eager to learn and we are ready for cooperation. During the summer of 2007 (July 12-24) together with volunteers from the USA we took part in Summer Children Camp in Odessa. It wa a great chance of exchanging experience and skills in working with orphans.We regret to acknowledge that public authorities can not provide orphans with normal standards of life, as well as they can not form the mature personality and assist such kids in studying according to the current standards. That’s the reason why most Ukrainian orphanages are open to work together with alternative organizations, our Mission is one of them.
We intend to continue our work on the long-term project aimed to help an orphan find his niche in this society. The Project is intended for improving the life of such kids, vocational guidance, mastering additional skills, and psychological rehabilitation. We intend to pick up the most gifted kids (5- 10) and provide them with psychological consulting, we are going to teach them computer skills and knowledge they may need. We also plan to help kids define their talents, choose the profession and then find them individual sponsors and scholarships to help them fulfil themselves.
For the reason of insufficient medical service many kids in orphanages have health problems especially dental ones. We intend to organize the team of doctors (volunteers) or accumulate resources for paying the doctors for visiting the orphanages especially those ones that are far from the region centre. Among the priorities is organizing the alternative independent psychological consulting service the task of which will be regular visits to the orphanages to consult the kids and the staff. Also we plan to have hot line to be reached at any time.
Our members are ready for organizing different clubs and optional courses in the orphanages to help kids fulfill themselves and realize their talents. Besides clubs the kids need elementary knowledge.Unfortunately, public authorities can only provide the group of about thirty kids with one or two teachers.It goes without saying, that it’s insufficient to be able to increase the level of the kids’ knowle especially taking into consideration that an orphan has many emotional scar.
In view of our plans we need more tuition, cooperation, and experience exchange. So we intend to conduct the educational seminar involving various specialists, and those who care for orphans. We realize that to extend our activity we need not only investments but also detailed studying (for example, statistical information) of the sphere we are involved in – detecting kids’ needs, relationship they have. We are going to involve specialists to get information like that and make it available at the seminar we are planning to hold.
Building trust relationships with kids and staff in orphanages is among the priorities. So we devote much time to search for finances to go to the orphanages that are situated at different distances from the region city regularly. We have to acknowledge that orphanages situated far from the city are paid less attention and support than those ones that are near the city.
As of now the Mission is seeking for additional investments to embody short-term and long-term projects.
Our organisation needs our own transport to be able to reach any orphanage, even the most remote.
The main activity of the organization depends on the staff that will be participating in the projects and working conditions in orphanages (how much time can be spent for Mission’s projects).
To realize long-term projects the team needs technical devices, I-net access, a copying machine as well as funds to involve doctors, psychologists and others.
In short-term projects we intend to involve: Educational project – 100 kids in the course of three years;
Project for improving living conditions – 600 kids in the course of three years;
Medical project – 90 kids in the course of a year Providing Mission’s staff and volunteers - 50 people in the course of two years.
In the long-term project of adaptation and rehabilitation of kids we intend to involve 10 children in the course of three years.
Availability of the information about the Mission’s activity. (Some already in progress):
We feel real about the possibilities we have, nevertheless we acknowledge that individual donors and sponsors’ investments will not be enough for the plan said above.The advantage of the presented plan is that every project is of current importance, besides every project can be realized separately.
We have made out these projects not just to improve orphans’ life but to change the quality of it that demands constant financing in the course of several years.
We simply can not do it alone. We need your help to help more children.
Please add our link on your site. Please Donate.
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Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.Prov 31:8